This and That: An Interesting Article Regarding Women in US Comedy

Writer Neil Scovell has an interesting take on David Letterman's lack of a diverse writing staff in a recent article on the website the Cut. His look at Letterman "playing dumb" as to why he didn't have many women writers on his shows is interesting. He really successfully breaks down Letterman's excuses. It's a must-read for anyone concerned with diversity in comedy, a topic dear to my heart.  Recently my concept of the importance of diversity in comedy is becoming clearer. To me, comedy, while entertaining, gives you a chance to connect with someone, to see the world through their eyes. With that in mind, greater diversity in comedy could provide increaded insight and understanding of what different segments of the population are going through. This could help us empathize with those unlike us, leading to a better informed and more understanding populous. Take a look at the article.

David Letterman Just Can’t Figure Out Why He Never Had Women Writers


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